Fermented Honey: onion and thyme

For centuries, long before there was a health care system or a government to force a false belief that we cannot mend our own bodies, there was plant medicines.

You see, God gave us the gift of healing by placing all that we ever would need to mend or prevent disease within the natural world around us. Tree barks, flowers, whole plants and “weeds”, things that we have been taught to stomp out, spray or irradicate are the very basis of fundamental healing. Currently there is such a large divide, separation between us and our food chain that the very narrative of self healing scares folks but, I’m here to help you with that.

Our world is filled with wonder and magic should we remove the vail of fear. One cannot deny this magic when looking at the intricacies of bee life. Honey in itself is a magical component, a nectar of the Gods if you will, created in a brutal and yet simple way that coincides with the verry being of herbal healing - “simplicity”. Honey is antifungal, antimicrobial, antiseptic and has a unique pH balance that promotes oxygen and healing. Pair this with any beneficial food or plant life and you have yourself a powerhouse healer that may wield at the very slightest notion of unwellness (preferably as a preventative tonic), even capable of healing wounds. It also retains immunomodulatory, estrogenic regulatory, antimutagenic, anticancer, and numerous other vigor effects.


This food that is so popularly cultivated is a part of the Allium family as is wild chives, green onions and many others. The healing properties of this simple vegetable are plentiful and, for many who may not enjoy cooking or consuming them, infusing them into the honey can be a way to tolerate and perhaps come to enjoy. Among it’s little known healing effects are :

  • Cough Suppressant

  • High in Vitamin C (proven as an antioxidant to keep a high immune system + repair cell damage) Antioxidants are compounds that inhibit oxidation, a process that leads to cellular damage and contributes to diseases like cancer, diabetes, and heart disease

  • Folate

  • B6 (both folate and B6 are crucial for production of red blood cells and nerve function)

  • Potassium

H o w H o n e y W o r k s W i t h P l a n t L i f e

There is a massive study done HERE that you can read that introduces you to the dozens of compounds, vitamins, types of sugars and healing benefits of honey should you choose to take on a decent size read.

The compounds within the honey is what allows it to not only enhance, but extract plant matters and food properties energizing and supercharging the honey.


You may have seen other recipes that are similar to infusions but that call for other ingredients such as vinegars or other steps that involve heating. Today in this article we are covering the most simplistic of the other varieties and it does not involve heating. I believe to my core that honey should never be heated or treated in anyway as it disrupts and often times kills all of the benefits leaving you with nothing but glucose and sugars. Therefore infusions (also called Electuaries) are beautiful and work together without altering either ingredient but, rather enhancing of each other.

I have been attempting to contact my host here as they will not allow any more videos to be uploaded unless I create a members only area which I refuse to charge for.

I will link the Youtube video HERE


Ensure that your produce or plant life is foraged from an area that is not sprayed with pesticides or chemicals. If you are purchasing from a grocer or local farmers market, choose organic.

Those who have been following me a while know that I don’t measure, but I can tell you that in these instances you typically want to stuff your jar and ensure honey is covering the food or plant fully. You’ll see in the video I foolishly didn’t add honey to the base of the jar FIRST before adding in the onions and thyme. You will want to add a bit of honey first, then stuff the jar before pouring more atop to fill it.

  1. White or Red onion

  2. Several sprigs of Thyme ( I used German Thyme)

  3. Organic raw unheated honey ( I used honey from our apiary)

Simply wash and dry thoroughly (don’t allow water into your infusion)

Cut and add to jar and fill with honey stirring out air bubbles. The infusion can be used in as little as 8-24 hours later but will continue to increase in potency over time. The next day, open carefully because the infusion will watery from the moisture content of the onion. Stir gently and reseal.


Q: Will my infusion mold?

A: The internet will tell you yes but, I will tell you that it depends entirely on what you are infusing into your honey. With foods there will be moisture content - I am mindful of this when creating recopies however, herbalists I have worked with and the dozens of books I have read have never issues warning seeing as honey is antifungal

Q: Do I need to store it in a dark place

A: No. It can be kept in your cupboard or counter

Deandra Brant

Hi I’m Deandra;

photographer, chronically deep thinker, intentional mother and wife pursuing a life rekindling kinship with the land through building our homestead and inspiring others in their learning journey. Here is where I plummet into the depths of my thoughts in all things business, renovation, homeschool, homesteading, motherhood, marriage and more…


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