Warmth Through Winter: herbs that keep animals warm
Temperatures are dipping here in January on the farm. When things get a bit frigged like single digit or below zero, I like to help keep all of our animals a little more cozy by adding different foods and herbs that help conduct energy.
After Birth: Caring for your goats
Kidding is an exciting time that I never cease to marvel at. Here are some best practices, items to have on hand and tips for after care of both does and kids.
New Life: a birth story
and on a stormy day, like any other with a endless list known to be only partially completed by the end….. we are suspended in the witnessing of the eternal circle of life.
All About Chicken Molting
Seeing a ghastly chicken who has become bald seemingly overnight can be completely unsettling. Molting is usually to blame should it fall around Autumn. Take a peek at this article to get the KNOW on chicken molting.
Low Egg Production In Summer Months?
Noticing a drop in eggs during these hotter days? Your not crazy and your not alone. There are many very real and understandable reasons why our hens reduce their production in the summer time. Read on to find out why and how to help.
How To Clean Your Animal Housing Naturally
Something I pay close attention to in my home, is the ingredients in the items that I’m using on and around my family. My animals are no exception. Trying to find solutions to cleaning products you can actually trust or create yourself seems extremely overwhelming at first. Here are some things I keep on hand for safe and natural cleaning around the homestead.
Black Oil Sunflower Seeds Vs Corn | Chickens
I’ve heard from many folks that they were advised to raise their meat chickens in the pasture but finish them off on a load of cracked corn. My birds both laying and meat are corn, soy and seed / vegetable oil free and I opt to feed my flock black oil sunflower seeds. Here’s why…
Cornified Tissue In Goats
This past January - February, I discovered something concerning growing on my bucks skin. I was blown away at the staggering lack of information on our internet, or how few breeders / keepers knew about this simple yet alarming growth.
Duck Watering Station
Anyone who has owned ducklings knows, they are frankly quite messy! This little diy duckling watering station has been a life saver on time.
Slow Food: cornish crosses and jersey giants
When it comes to meat birds, the traditional thought process is faster equals more cost effective. In this shallow way of thinking, we close ourselves off to the true reasons why we began to raise meat, as well as the other and more humane options available to us. In this article, I talk about my thoughts and opinions on slow food and the reasons behind raising or hunting our proteins sources.
Building A Simple Brooder
Getting ready for chick and duckling season with us as we build a brooder out of scrap materials we had laying around and some odds and ends from the hardware store.
Buying Chickens: Which Breed Is Right For Your Family Land
Maybe you’re overwhelmed with how to start out with chickens or maybe you’re branching out and curious about what other breeds could offer your land + family. Either way, I’ve compiled some beginners info as well as a list of breeds to help you with meat, eggs and more.
A Guide To Caring For Ducks + Having Them Thrive
Keeping waterfowl on you homestead is usually a very different venture for most folks. In this article, learn how to maintain a healthy and thriving flock
All Natural Teat Wipes: for goats and cows
I’m a reader. I love enriching myself in knowledge, especially when it surrounds my passions and so I was completely mortified when I found out that most folks are using water and BLEACH on their milking animals as a disinfectant for the udder + teat region. Let me show you a more natural way that is also easy and affordable…
Fermenting Chicken Feed
In similar aspect as to our own bodies, fermenting your chickens organic feed can increase their immune health, balance and stabilize the bacteria in their gut and give you healthier birds and biproduct.