Jersey Giant Update
Four months ago, we decided on a slow maturing meat chicken as one of our main food scources here at The Wild Woven. Not all animals are easy to care for or to help care for themselves - in this post I give my thoughts on the Jersey Giant Breed
Cornified Tissue In Goats
This past January - February, I discovered something concerning growing on my bucks skin. I was blown away at the staggering lack of information on our internet, or how few breeders / keepers knew about this simple yet alarming growth.
Kids + Butcher Day: gentle exposure
I understand the hesitation, so many parents feel when wanting to introduce their children to the raw and real life we live when starting a homestead journey. One of the most raw experiences you and your child will come to know is Butcher day. Here are a few ways I gently exposed my son to the understanding of where our food comes from.
Guide To Trimming Hooves
trimming hooves is an exhilarating task your first couple times around. Don’t make the same mistakes I did.